Time Thief

If you’ve got something important to do… do it yourself, do it now. 


There I stood
With my hands on my waist
Saying I’d set off when the rain stopped
I waited and waited
The rain just wouldn’t stop
I could’ve made use of an umbrella
But then… Let me just wait a little
These kind of rains don’t last too long
I’ll relax in the meantime

Then the rain finally stopped
I stood there
With my arms folded on my chest
The rain had made the ground too muddy
I didn’t want to step in
I’d dirty myself
Soil my clothes
And my newly polished shoes
So I said to myself
I’d let the sun shine a bit to dry up the ground
Then I could take my step

So the sun shone
But it was too bright and scorched too hard
I could barely open up my eyes to them
Even when they did, it was with a squint
My clothes were dark too
They’d absorb the heat and I’d be uncomfortable
So I’d wait for it to go down a little
Then I would take my step

The sun did go down… eventually
But very soon afterwards came darkness
Darkness the evening brought along
It was difficult to see
What if I stumbled and fell
So I’d rather put it off
And try again tomorrow

A day well wasted…
The fruit of procrastination


-De-Graft, 2018

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