
Didn’t know where this was headed when I started it. My heart seemed to carry it along till the final words were written… all the same, I hope you enjoy it. 

When the words you say return to haunt you
When the thoughts you didn’t keep in wouldn’t let go of you
A little more restraint
A little more hesitation
Maybe the mistakes wouldn’t have been made
Our sad treacherous hearts
Figurative as this heart is
The heart that lodges in the mind…
Leaves us thinking we’ve figured out our deepest thoughts
So assured we are…
Convinced that this is when or where to make such utterances
Swayed by endorphins, hormones, neurotransmitters
Or rather bad judgement and flawed perceptions
There they go… The words as they flow!
Then right after they are spat out…
There they are! All over!
Spilled like milk in a jar knocked down a shelf
You’ll only have to wait and hope the effects fade with time
Or better still… offer an unqualified apology and hope to be forgiven

Constant remainders of our frail nature
Imperfect to the very core… Deep rooted dents

Too bad…
Too bad…

-De-Graft, 2018

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