Miles apart

…because of the distance between us


I wish I could be around…
To hold you and tap your back
To pull you into my embrace and keep you close…
To gently stroke the stray strands of your hair as they stick out of the loose ends of your braids
To wrap my hands around you as if to stabilise your shaking body as you sob uncontrollably
To offer you my shoulder to cry on
Quiet… Because the words just wouldn’t help
To allow you to let it out in silence
Without any breaks or interruptions
Without an urge to keep it in…
To just let out all the thought and feelings bottled up
Packaged in lacrimal sacs and dripping out as endless streams of tears
To rub your shoulders through the sleeves of your clothes
To interrupt your silent tears occasionally with the words… “it’s okay”
To try helplessly to build up an illusion…
One I know you won’t fall for
Because it would be the least I can do…
As much as I have to offer
The least I would be able to do…
Only if I was near…


De-Graft, 2018

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