
Like Icarus loved the sun, too close, too much




Falling…Nothing to hold on to

All around there’s darkness.

All of a sudden, the ground disappeared,..yanked away

All of my thoughts blank,…scared away

All of my limbs flailing,…desperately

Twisting…turning…reaching out


“Do you have anything you want to say?”

“Say?..I want to scream!

And yet I look at her face,…so much pain,…pain I put there

I shake my head no…it’s all I can manage


Mind running wild:


All of my fears return…overwhelming

All of my hopes dashed,…flying away

All of my dreams shattered,..disappearing

All of my plans destroyed,..uprooted

All of my senses transfixed,…set on her


The moon…so full, so bright

Yet no drummer in sight,..not even a bunny

Just a weird looking grin…’Even Luna mocks’

Tears?…No, tears are for those still with hope


She’s still speaking,..I can barely comprehend

What have I done?…Where did I go wrong?


“I hope you’re alright”


Still falling, surrounded by the void

No light in sight, no crag around


“I’ll be fine”…

For her?…For her, I could be anything…, even fine.



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