
Rewind… Again and again…


On the quiet days…
And Silent nights…
When I’m by myself
And only have me for company…

I find myself searching…
Searching for something to read.
I stumble on something
Something all so familiar…

Thoughts I had
Imaginations I conceived
Words that made my heart heavy
Ideas that made my head spiral

Poured out…
Initially haphazard,
… then evened out,
ordered… Arranged…

To make sense…
To add up…
To the dear reader
kind enough to want to…
To take a stroll around my mind
To peer into my thoughts
And to share my feelings…

And you know what?
What’s even more beautiful?

Every time I read something I’ve written
It makes even more sense to me
And I fall in love with it…
All over again.

De-Graft – 29th March 2020


On random days when a friend makes a random comment and you end up writing a whole piece of poetry. Liz inspired this. Please follow her blog at

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