Low and Slow


Low low low
Sinking deep and slow
Seeping down below
From time to time
Many times in a row
Again and again
I try to fix my bow,

Back again to hit a target
I raise my bow and narrow my brow
A deep knot in my throat
My hands white as snow
Once again sure to miss
Shaky hands are never steady,
You know?

With pain we grow


With pressure, we glow

I try to shrugg it off and…
Act normal again
But my head hangs low,
And the next thing I know, I’m dipping
The mind never seems to stop racing
I can’t hold on anymore, I’m slipping…
My heart gets weary, my chest is ripping
My failures, I’m often caught tripping
My present, will these last?
I look on with everything with no lust
I feel weak in my core
With a blunt, niggling pain in my chest
A cloud of sadness hanging over my head
Nothing is interesting any longer
The pieces just don’t fit together
Will things ever get better?

Just maybe…



One thought on “Low and Slow

  1. So real and so me and a lot of us.
    “Will things EVER get better?”
    “Just MAYBE”
    An assurance to hang in there.



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