Exchange Diaries… Episode 3 – The Hungry Salzburger

September is the exchange month for medical students in my University. On exchange we are assigned to a department in a university in another country to enhance our clinical experience! After two whole years of schooling without anything that looks like a vacation, this seems like the perfect reward. Join me on my exciting trip … Continue reading Exchange Diaries… Episode 3 – The Hungry Salzburger

Exchange Diaries… Episode 2 – Hello Salzburg!

September is the exchange month for medical students in my University. On exchange we are assigned to a department in a university in another country to enhance our clinical experience! After two whole years of schooling without anything that looks like a vacation, this seems like the perfect reward. Join me on my exciting trip … Continue reading Exchange Diaries… Episode 2 – Hello Salzburg!

Exchange Diaries… Episode 1 – Lost in Salzburg

September is the exchange month for medical students in my University. On exchange we are assigned to a department in a university in another country to enhance our clinical experience! After two whole years of schooling without anything that looks like a vacation, this seems like the perfect reward. Join me on my exciting trip … Continue reading Exchange Diaries… Episode 1 – Lost in Salzburg


Overwrought Smoldering...  Photos by Nana Yaa 😉 I’m being eaten up slowly Munched on gradually Bitten, nibbled, gobbled up Pieces, chunks and morsels of my very being Masticated, lubricated Swallowed into an endless gut of insecurity Living in constant uneasiness... Wasting away... Fear, doubts, thoughts... confused  Abrupt occasions of a pounding heart Sudden piercing pains in … Continue reading Smolder

Wanderings of the lost boy – 7

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 7

Miles Apart – 2

...because of the distance between us Inspired 2 - The Other Side Face to face... Heart to heart... Eyes to eyes... I stare at her... With grins as broad as ligamentum latum uteri She smiles... And I sink into the whirlpool of her dimples. She chuckles... I burst into laughter She kicks the air with … Continue reading Miles Apart – 2

Wanderings of the lost boy – 6

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 6

Wanderings of the lost boy – 5

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 5

Wanderings of the lost boy – 4

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 4