April Fool

April fool... With heavy hearts...    I wish That when my dreams come to a spiraling end When my eyes start to twitch When I start to toss and turn When I stretch out… Let out that faint moan… Blink… Open my eyes and feel the pain The piercing pain of the sun through my … Continue reading April Fool


Rewind... Again and again... Inspired...  On the quiet days... And Silent nights... When I'm by myself And only have me for company... I find myself searching... Searching for something to read. I stumble on something Something all so familiar... Thoughts I had Imaginations I conceived Words that made my heart heavy Ideas that made my … Continue reading Rewind

Exchange Diaries… Episode 2 – Hello Salzburg!

September is the exchange month for medical students in my University. On exchange we are assigned to a department in a university in another country to enhance our clinical experience! After two whole years of schooling without anything that looks like a vacation, this seems like the perfect reward. Join me on my exciting trip … Continue reading Exchange Diaries… Episode 2 – Hello Salzburg!

Exchange Diaries… Episode 1 – Lost in Salzburg

September is the exchange month for medical students in my University. On exchange we are assigned to a department in a university in another country to enhance our clinical experience! After two whole years of schooling without anything that looks like a vacation, this seems like the perfect reward. Join me on my exciting trip … Continue reading Exchange Diaries… Episode 1 – Lost in Salzburg

Wanderings of the lost boy – 7

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 7

Wanderings of the lost boy – 6

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 6

Wanderings of the lost boy – 5

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 5

Wanderings of the lost boy – 4

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 4

Wanderings of the lost boy – 3

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 3

Wanderings of the lost boy -2

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy -2