Wanderings of the lost boy – 1

My name is De-Graft. You can choose to call me Digi/DeGi/De-Ge/DeG…etc, whichever works for you. I am a medical student in my 5th year of study. As part of our requirements for the medical school programme, in 5th year we are posted to various districts to experience medicine outside the boundaries of the teaching hospital. … Continue reading Wanderings of the lost boy – 1


It was almost 11pm, and for the regular person the day was supposed to have ended, or almost ended. But for me, it was only beginning. 1 I am a medical student in my fifth year of study. After our third year in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology(KNUST), we move to the … Continue reading Purge


Maame A figment of imagination  Dark, quiet... The room partially crowded... Tiny glimmers of lights from devices shine into their faces Shadows partially shrouded Occasional muffled expressions Stifled by the unsaid rules of quiet organisation Almost in battle formation Neat rows of seats lined up in columns I break the silence with my entry Not … Continue reading Maame!

When all is new – 2

Field service diaries... I saw his eyes light up Then a squint followed Crow feet were drawn on both sides of his eyes The frontalis muscle contracted With the loose overlying skin folded over and over Gradually, his lips spread wide Showing the slightly discoloured teeth The most genuine expression of happiness I’ve seen... In … Continue reading When all is new – 2

Time Thief

If you've got something important to do... do it yourself, do it now.  Hypothetical... There I stood With my hands on my waist Saying I’d set off when the rain stopped I waited and waited The rain just wouldn’t stop I could’ve made use of an umbrella But then... Let me just wait a little … Continue reading Time Thief


Something about which I've felt strongly for a while now... Why is it so easy for us to judge others? Why is it so easy to set standards for others? Standards based on our perception of what’s right and wrong... When we ourselves have consistently and miserably failed to measure up to standards... Right and … Continue reading Touchstones…


...Wanderings of a lost boy  Featured image is an artwork by Betty Braco during a microbiology lecture.  Circa 2016... On I walk... with my Head hanging down Probably too heavy to be held up Filled with guilt, regret, shame... I should’ve... Or probably I shouldn’t have Actions, inactions, reactions, relations, deductions... Fears, scare, what more? … Continue reading Eternity