Exchange Diaries… Episode 3 – The Hungry Salzburger

September is the exchange month for medical students in my University. On exchange we are assigned to a department in a university in another country to enhance our clinical experience! After two whole years of schooling without anything that looks like a vacation, this seems like the perfect reward. Join me on my exciting trip … Continue reading Exchange Diaries… Episode 3 – The Hungry Salzburger

Exchange Diaries… Episode 1 – Lost in Salzburg

September is the exchange month for medical students in my University. On exchange we are assigned to a department in a university in another country to enhance our clinical experience! After two whole years of schooling without anything that looks like a vacation, this seems like the perfect reward. Join me on my exciting trip … Continue reading Exchange Diaries… Episode 1 – Lost in Salzburg

A memorable visit.


This write up has been sitting here in silence for almost 3 years! I finally pushed myself to edit and re-post it.
Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed living it! 😉


The trip to Accra has been an amazing one.

The climax, was definitely and almost in a fairy tale sort of way, reserved for the last day. (that rhymes!)


After setting up little Papa’s new baby chair, the trio of Donkor boys, driven by Kwaku went to Zongo Junction, Madina to wait for Effe, our most eccentric, mischievous and crazy cousin who was to meet us at the Shell Filling Station.

Kwaku, the oldest, was going house hunting later in the day with Augusta to look for a new place he could call his own. So that effectively excluded him from the outing. Besides, Effe was taking Kwasi (my younger brother) and I…

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Silent tears

A simple piece... inspired by a very good friend For the silent tears... Silent tears Unabated fears Many more scares Fewer dares Too few dears Many fake cheers Abundant 'not theres' Inadequate cares Insufficient nears Unbridgeable severs Incapacitated mares Imagined snares Unrestrained veers Bottled up airs Good sights blur Let's hope they clear May you … Continue reading Silent tears