Low and Slow

Inspired Low low lowSinking deep and slowSeeping down belowFrom time to timeMany times in a rowAgain and againI try to fix my bow,Back again to hit a targetI raise my bow and narrow my browA deep knot in my throatMy hands white as snowOnce again sure to missShaky hands are never steady,You know? ... With … Continue reading Low and Slow

Clouds of pain

Featured Image - Potateo Tomateo Inspired As the rain falls And the waters drip The showers haul As the clouds dip When moments stall And Seasons flip In a cozy crib A weary mind slips Loses its grip Flooded with uncertainly Drowned in anxiety Hoping again and again That as it pours and rains My … Continue reading Clouds of pain


...In an endless search of myself Featured image - Potateo Tomateo I'm a stranger...I have become a strangerTo my own people, I have become a wandererIn my own home, I'm a guest My presence is abhorredMy absence is glorifiedThe silence, the cold...The pretense and stories untoldThe suspense as my dreams unfold The scorn as I … Continue reading Stranger

Head Space

For the silent screams... Space, blank, bland Structured up and Set in a wasteland Away from man, secluded... Undiscovered I mean who would want to? Roads and paths bushy, Reedy pools and marshy, Riddled with thorns and dirty, Thistles and crappy, Would you risk getting scratched?   Begging to be seen, to be groomed, To … Continue reading Head Space


Overwrought Smoldering...  Photos by Nana Yaa 😉 I’m being eaten up slowly Munched on gradually Bitten, nibbled, gobbled up Pieces, chunks and morsels of my very being Masticated, lubricated Swallowed into an endless gut of insecurity Living in constant uneasiness... Wasting away... Fear, doubts, thoughts... confused  Abrupt occasions of a pounding heart Sudden piercing pains in … Continue reading Smolder


Like Icarus loved the sun, too close, too much   Skyfall   Falling...Nothing to hold on to All around there's darkness. All of a sudden, the ground disappeared,..yanked away All of my thoughts blank,...scared away All of my limbs flailing,...desperately Twisting...turning...reaching out   "Do you have anything you want to say?" “Say?..I want to scream! … Continue reading Skyfall