
Rewind... Again and again... Inspired...  On the quiet days... And Silent nights... When I'm by myself And only have me for company... I find myself searching... Searching for something to read. I stumble on something Something all so familiar... Thoughts I had Imaginations I conceived Words that made my heart heavy Ideas that made my … Continue reading Rewind

Home Barber

Home barber... A true story You know, the problem with home barber is that, you know right from the moment you dig the clipper/blade/scissors in your hair that something wrong is going to happen. But somewhere deep in your Id, you believe you can fix it. And though you know for sure you aren’t the … Continue reading Home Barber


Maame A figment of imagination  Dark, quiet... The room partially crowded... Tiny glimmers of lights from devices shine into their faces Shadows partially shrouded Occasional muffled expressions Stifled by the unsaid rules of quiet organisation Almost in battle formation Neat rows of seats lined up in columns I break the silence with my entry Not … Continue reading Maame!